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Items where Subject is "Aerospace Engineering"

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Banh, Duc Minh and Hoang, Van Tam and Le, Anh Dinh (2020) Nghiên cứu biên dạng cánh cải thiện hiệu suất tuabin gió Savonius bằng công cụ CFD. In: Hội nghị Cơ học Thủy khí toàn quốc 2020, 11/2020, Hà Nội.

Banh, Minh Duc and Le, Anh Dinh (2021) Effect of the Elliptical Shape on the Performance of the Modified Savonius Wind Turbine. In: The AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (RCTEMME 2021). (In Press)

Bui, Anh Tu and Nguyen, Van Viet and Truong, Ninh Thuan (2020) Generating test data for energy property in mobile applications. In: 2020 7th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS).


Duong, Viet Dung and Lavi Rizki, Zuhal and Hari, Muhammad (2019) Lagrangian Vortex Particle Method for Complex Flow Simulation. In: The 5th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Automation (ICEMA 5), 11-12 October 2019, Vietnam National University-University of Science and Technology.

Duong Viet, Dung and Lavi Rizki, Zuhal (2022) Vortex particle method with iterative Brinkman penalization for simulation of flow past sharp-shape bodies. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 14 . ISSN 1756-8293


Ha, Minh Cuong and Vu, Phuong Lan Application of GNSS-Reflectometry to evaluate the ability to detect moisture changes of sandy soils. In: Hội thảo GIS toàn quốc 2020, Tháng 12 năm 2020.

Ha, Minh Cuong and Vu, Phuong Lan and Nguyen, Huu Duy and Hoang, Tich Phuc and Dang, Dinh Duc and Dinh, Thi Bao Hoa and Şerban, Gheorghe and Rus, Ioan and Brețcan, Petre (2022) Machine Learning and Remote Sensing Application for Extreme Climate Evaluation: Example of Flood Susceptibility in the Hue Province, Central Vietnam Region. Water, 14 (10). ISSN 2073-4441

Ha, Minh-Cuong and Darrozes, José and Llubes, Muriel and Grippa, Manuela and Ramillien, Guillaume and Frappart, Frédéric and Baup, Frédéric and Tagesson, Håkan Torbern and Mougin, Eric and Guiro, Idrissa and Kergoat, Laurent and Nguyen, Huu Duy and Seoane, Lucia and Dufrechou, Gregory and Vu, Phuong-Lan (2022) GNSS-R monitoring of soil moisture dynamics in areas of severe drought: example of Dahra in the Sahelian climatic zone (Senegal). European Journal of Remote Sensing . pp. 1-19. ISSN 11298596

Hoang, Van Truong and Phung, Manh Duong (2022) Enhanced Teaching-Learning-based Optimization for 3D Path Planning of Multicopter UAVs. In: The International Conference on Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Automation, and Sustainable Development 2021 (AMAS2021).

Hung, Tran The and Dung, Nguyen and Le, Anh Dinh (2022) Design of a low-cost pressure measurement device: validation and testing. International Journal of Sustainable Aviation . (In Press)

Hung, Tran The and Le, Anh Dinh and Minh, Dao (2022) The Influence of Spike-Nosed Length on Aerodynamic Drag of a Wing-Projectile Model. Advances in Military Technology . (In Press)

Hung, Tran The and Masayuki, Anyoji and Takuji, Nakashima and Keigo, Shimizu and Le, Anh Dinh Experimental study of the skin-friction topology around the Ahmed body in cross-wind condition. Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transaction of the ASME . ISSN 0098-2202

Hung, Tran The and Masayuki, Anyoji and Takuji, Nakashima and Keigo, Shimizu and Le, Anh Dinh (2021) Experimental study of the skin-friction topology around the Ahmed body in cross-wind condition. Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transaction of the ASME . ISSN 0098-2202

Hung, Tran The and Truong, Dao Cong and Minh, Do Van and Trang, Nguyen Minh and Chung, Pham and Le, Anh Dinh (2021) Application of RANS turbulence model in simulation base flow of axisymmetric body in wide range of Mach number. In: Hội nghị cơ học thủy khí toàn quốc 2021.


Lan, Vu Phuong and Cuong, Ha Minh and Bac, Nguyen Phuong and Hoa, Dinh Thi Bao and Manh, Pham Van and Cuong, Doan Quang and Duy, Nguyen Huu (2022) Application of GNSS Reflectometry in Water Level Monitoring using Low-cost GNSS Antenna: A Case Study in Tam Giang Lagoon, Thua Thien Hue Province. VNU Journal of Science: Earth and Environmental Sciences, 38 (4). ISSN 2588-1094

Le, Anh Dinh (2021) Assessment of a Homogeneous Model for Simulating a Cavitating Flow in Water under a Wide Range of Temperatures. Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transaction of the ASME . ISSN 0098-2202

Le, Anh Dinh (2022) Comparison of Numerical and Experimental Methods in Determining Boundary Layer of Axisymmetric Model. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering .

Le, Anh Dinh (2021) Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of a Simplified Thermodynamic Model for NACA0015 Hydrofoil Cavitation in Hot Water. Vietnam Journal of Mechanics . ISSN 0866-7316

Le, Anh Dinh (2022) Study of Thermodynamic Effect on the Mechanism of Flashing Flow under Pressurized Hot Water by a Homogeneous Model. Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transaction of the ASME . ISSN 0098-2202

Le, Anh Dinh (2021) Study of Thermodynamic Effect on the Mechanism of Flashing Flow under Pressurized Hot Water by a Homogeneous Model. Journal of Fluids Engineering - Transaction of the ASME . ISSN 0098-2202

Le, Anh Dinh and Banh, Duc Minh and Tam, Hoang Van and Hung, Tran The (2022) Modified Savonius Wind Turbine for Wind Energy Harvesting in Urban Environments. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering .

Le, Anh Dinh and Hung, Tran The (2021) Improvement of Mass Transfer Rate Modeling for Prediction of Cavitating Flow. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics . ISSN 1735-3572 (In Press)

Le, Anh Dinh and Iga, Yuka Experimental and Numerical Study of Hot Water Cavitation on a NACA0015 Hydrofoil. In: The 5th International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Automation (ICEMA 5), VNU-UET.

Le, Anh Dinh and Le, Linh Ngoc and Truong, Anh Viet and Tran, Hung The (2022) Assessment of Flow Fluctuation Pressure Models for Simulating the Cavitating Flow. Technical Physics Letters . (In Press)

Le, Anh Dinh and Ngo, Long Ich and Truong, Anh Viet and Junnosuke, Okajima and Iga, Yuka (2021) Numerical simulation of water flashing flow of hot water in a converging-diverging nozzle. In: IAHR-Asia Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Nepal. (Submitted)

Le, Anh Dinh and Nguyen, Quan Hoang and Ngo, Long Ich and Truong, Anh Viet and Okajima, Junnosuke and Iga, Yuka (2021) Numerical Simulation of Hot Water Flashing Flow in a Converging - Diverging Nozzle. In: The AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (RCTEMME 2021). (In Press)

Le, Anh Dinh and Tam, Hoang Van (2021) Effect of the Mesh Types on the Prediction of Flow Aerodynamic around Airfoil. In: THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING MECHANICS AND AUTOMATION(ICEMA2021). (In Press)

Le, Anh Dinh and Tran, Hung The Improvement of Mass Transfer Rate Modeling for Prediction of Cavitating Flow. Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics . (In Press)

Le, Ngoc Linh and Tran, Dai Viet and Nguyen, Van Duc and Le, Anh Dinh (2020) Mô phỏng dòng xâm thực hơi và xâm thực khí bằng phương pháp mô hình đồng nhất cho dòng không nhớt. In: Hội nghị Cơ học Thủy khí toàn quốc 2020, 11/2020, Hà Nội.

Luu, Viet Hung and Dao, Minh Son and Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh and Perry, Stuart and Zettsu, Koji (2019) Semi-supervised Convolutional Neural Networks for Flood Mapping using Multi-modal Remote Sensing Data. In: 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, 12-13 December 2019, Hanoi.


Minh Cuong, Ha and Phuong Lan, Vu and Thi Bao Hoa, Dinh and Huu Duy, Nguyen and Phuong Bac, Nguyen (2022) Ứng dụng phương pháp phản xạ GNSS để đánh giá khả n\ung phát hiện sự thay đổi độ ẩm của đất cát. In: Kỷ yếu Hội thảo Ứng dụng GIS Toàn Quốc 2022. NXB Khoa học và Kỹ thuật, pp. 360-372. ISBN 9786046724872


Nakano, Masaki and Le, Anh Dinh and Okajima, Junnosuke and Iga, Yuka (2019) Numerical Investigation of Thermodynamic Parameter in Cavitating Flow of Liquid Hydrogen. In: 16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan.

Ngo, Truong X. and Do, Ngoc T.N. and Phan, Hieu D.T. and Tran, Vinh T. and Mac, Tra T.M. and Le, Anh H. and Do, Nguyet V. and Bui, Hung Q. and Nguyen, Thanh T.N. (2021) Air pollution in Vietnam during the COVID-19 social isolation, evidence of reduction in human activities. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42 (16). pp. 6128-6154.

Nguyen, Hoang Anh and Luu, Viet Hung and Phan, Anh and Bui, Quang Hung and Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh (2019) Cau Giay: A Dataset for Very Dense Building Extraction from Google Earth Imagery. In: 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science, 12-13 December 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Nguyen, Huu Duy and Vu, Phương Lan and Ha, Minh Cuong and Dinh, Thi Bao Hoa and Nguyen, Thuy Hang and Hoang, Tich Phuc and Doan, Quang Cuong and Pham, Van Manh and Dang, Dinh Kha (2022) Flood susceptibility mapping using advanced hybrid machine learning and CyGNSS: a case study of Nghe An province, Vietnam. Acta Geophysica, 70 (6). pp. 2785-2803. ISSN 18957455, 18956572

Nguyen, Thanh Quang and Le, Anh Dinh and Truong, Anh Viet (2021) Nummerical Analysis on Lift and Drag of a Finite-thickness Circular Arc Hydrofoil in Different Camber. In: AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering - RCTEMME2021. (In Press)

Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh and Luu, Viet Hung and Pham, Van Ha and Bui, Quang Hung and Nguyen, Thi Kim Oanh (2020) Particulate Matter Concentration Mapping from Satellite Imagery. In: TORUS 3 – Toward an Open Resource Using Services. ISTE Ltd 2020. Published by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp. 103-130.


Pham, Van Ha and Luu, Viet Hung and Phan, Anh and Laffly, Dominique and Bui, Quang Hung and Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh (2020) Remote Sensing Products. In: TORUS 2 – Toward an Open Resource Using Services. ISTE Ltd 2020. Published by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp. 95-161.

Pham, Van Ha and Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh and Laffly, Dominique (2020) Remote Sensing Case Studies. In: TORUS 2 – Toward an Open Resource Using Services. ISTE Ltd 2020. Published by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc, pp. 191-224.

Phan, Anh and Ha, Nhat Duong and Man, Duc Chuc and Bui, Quang Hung and Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh and Nguyen, Thanh Thuy (2019) Rapid Assessment of Flood Inundation and Damaged Rice Area in Red River Delta from Sentinel 1A Imagery. Remote Sensing, 11 (17). ISSN 2072-4292

Phung, Manh Duong and Quang, Ha (2021) Safety-enhanced UAV Path Planning with Spherical Vector-based Particle Swarm Optimization. Applied Soft Computing, 107 . p. 107376. ISSN 1568-4946

Phuong Lan, Vu and Minh Cuong, Ha and Thi Bao Hoa, Dinh and Phuong Bac, Nguyen (2022) Giám sát sư thay đổi mực nước sông Mekong (Việt Nam) sử dụng dữ liệu đo cao vệ tinh phục vụ phát triển bền vùng·đồng bằng sông Mekong. In: Kỷ yếu Hội thảo Ứng dụng GIS Toàn Quốc 2022. NXB Khoa học và Kỹ thuật, pp. 47-60. ISBN 9786046724872


Tran, Hung The and Dao, Truong Cong and Le, Anh Dinh and Nguyen, Trang Minh (2021) Numerical study for flow behavior and drag of axisymmetric boattail models at different Mach number. In: The AUN/SEED-Net Joint Regional Conference in Transportation, Energy and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (RCTEMME 2021). (In Press)

Tran, Hung The and Le, Anh Dinh and Nguyen, Trang Minh and Dao, Truong Cong (2021) Boundary Measurement for Axisymmetric Blunt Base Body by Numerical nd Experimental Methods. In: Advanced Mechanical Engineering, Automation and sustainable Development (AMAS), 4-7 November, Ha Long. (In Press)

Tran, Tuan Vinh and Pham, Van Ha and Nguyen, Thanh Thuy and Nguyen, Thi Nhat Thanh (2020) Analysis of CALIPSO satellite imagery for air pollution source identification in Hanoi, Vietnam. In: The 2020 12th International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE).


Van Luc, Nguyen and Nguyen-Thoi, Trung and Viet Dung, Duong (2021) Characteristics of the flow around four cylinders of various shapes. Ocean engineering . ISSN 0029-8018

Van Luc, Nguyen and Toai Tuyn, Phan and Viet Dung, Duong and Nam Tuan Phuong, Le (2021) Turbulent energy cascade associated with viscous reconnection of two vortex rings. Physics of Fluids, 33 . ISSN 1070-6631

Van Luc, Nguyen and Viet Dung, Duong (2021) Vortex ring-tube reconnection in a viscous fluid. Vortex ring-tube reconnection in a viscous fluid, 33 (1). 015122-1. ISSN 1089-7666

Viet Dung, Duong and Lavi Rizki, Zuhal and Hari, Muhammad (2021) Fluid–structure coupling in time domain for dynamic stall using purely Lagrangian vortex method. CEAS Aeronautical Journal, 12 (6). ISSN 1869-5582

Viet Dung, Duong and Lavi Rizki, Zuhal and Hari, Muhammad (2021) Unsteady Vortex Dynamics of Two-Dimensional Pitching Flat Plate Using Lagrangian Vortex Method. In: 2021 International Symposium on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering (ISEEIE 2021), 19-21, February, 2021, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Viet Dung, Duong and Minh Hoang, Trinh and Van Duc, Nguyen and Dang Thai Son, Nguyen (2021) ỨNG DỤNG PHƯƠNG PHÁP LATTICE BOLTZMANN VÀ DYNAMIC MODE DECOMPOSITION TRONG NGHIÊN CỨU HIỆN TƯỢNG TÁCH DÒNG. In: 6th National Scientific Conference on Mechanical Engineering - 2021, 04-05, November 2021, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. (In Press)

Viet Dung, Duong and Van Duc, Nguyen and Van Luc, Nguyen (2021) Turbulence cascade model for viscous vortex ring-tube reconnection. Physics of Fluids, 33 (3). ISSN 1070-6631

Viet Dung, Duong and Van Duc, Nguyen and Van Tien, Nguyen and Ich Long, Ngo (2022) Low-Reynolds-number wake of three tandem elliptic cylinders. Physics of Fluids, 34 (4). 043605-1-043605-23. ISSN 1070-6631

Vu, Phuong Lan and Ha, Minh Cuong and Ddinh, Thi Bao Hoa and Nguyen, Thi Thuy Hang and Bui, Quang Thanh and Pham, Van Manh and Pham, Vu Dong (2019) Ứng dụng công nghệ GNSS-R (Phản xạ GNSS) để phát hiện các sự kiện thuỷ văn cực đoan (ví dụ cơn bão Xynthia năm 2010 tại Pháp). In: GIS Conference Proceeding 2019. NXB Nong Nghiep, pp. 798-807. ISBN 978-604-60-3104-8

Vu, Van Tich and Nguyen, Huu Duy and Vu, Phuong Lan and Ha, Minh Cuong and Bui, Van Dong and Nguyen, Thi Oanh and Hoang, Van Hiep and Nguyen, Thanh Kim Hue (2023) Predicting land use effects on flood susceptibility using machine learning and remote sensing in coastal Vietnam. Water Practice and Technology .

Vuong, Quang Huy and Dang, Thi Huong Giang and Do, Quang Trung and Pham, Minh Trien (2021) Traveling Salesman Problem with Truck and Drones: A case study of Parcel Delivery in Hanoi. In: 4th international conference on “Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and Management Sciences” MCO 2021. (In Press)

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