@article{SisLab1265, volume = {50}, number = {6}, author = {T.L Phan and V.D Nguyen and T.A Ho and V. Khiem Nguyen and D. Thanh Tran and X. Phuc Nguyen and Duc Thang Pham and S.C. Yu}, title = {Inhomogeneous ferromagnetism and spin-glass-like behaviour in (Nd1-xYx)0.7Sr0.3MnO3 with x = 0.21 - 0.35}, publisher = {IEEE}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Magnetics}, pages = {2502204}, year = {2014}, url = {https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/1265/}, abstract = {The magnetic properties of polycrystalline ceramic samples (Nd1-xYx)0.7Sr0.3MnO3 with x = 0.21 - 0.35 were studied by means of dc magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements. Experimental results reveal a strong decrease of the ferromagnetic (FM)-paramagnetic phase-transition temperature (TC) from 97 to 65 K as increasing x from 0.21 to 0.35, respectively. There is magnetic inhomogeneity associated with short-range FM order. Particularly, the samples undergo a spin-glass (SG) phase transition at the so-called blocking temperature (TB) below TC, which shifts toward lower temperatures with increasing the applied field, Hex; TB {$\rightarrow$} Tg (the SG phase-transition temperature) as Hex {$\rightarrow$} 0. The existence of the SG behavior in these samples was also confirmed by frequency (f) dependences of the ac susceptibility. For the in-phase/real component, {\ensuremath{\chi}}'(T), it shows a frequency-dependent peak at the SG freezing temperature (Tf); Tf {$\rightarrow$} Tg as f {$\rightarrow$} 0. Dynamics of this process were analyzed by means of the slowing down scaling law, {\ensuremath{\tau}}/{\ensuremath{\tau}}0 ? (Tf /Tg - 1)-zv, where {\ensuremath{\tau}}0 and zv are the characteristic time and critical exponent, respectively. Fitting the experimental Tf (f) data to the scaling law gave the results of zv = 10.1-12.3 and {\ensuremath{\tau}}0 = 10-21-10-15s. These values are different from those expected for canonical SG systems with zv = 10 and {\ensuremath{\tau}}0 = 10-13s, revealing the cluster-SG behavior of (Nd1-xYx)0.7Sr0.3MnO3 samples. Notably, the increase in Y content leads to the shift of {\ensuremath{\tau}}0 and zv values toward those of canonical SG systems, which is ascribed to an expansi- n of SG clusters.} }