@inproceedings{SisLab1822, booktitle = {H?i ngh{\d i} Khoa h{\d o}c to{\`a}n qu?c v? Sinh th{\'a}i v{\`a} t{\`a}i nguy{\^e}n Sinh v?t}, month = {October}, title = {Nghi{\^e}n c?u ph{\'a}t hi?n virus g{\^a}y b?nh th?i {\dj}en m{\~u} ch{\'u}a (black queen cell virus) tr{\^e}n ong m?t ? m?t s? t{\h i}nh mi?n B?c Vi?t Nam n{\u a}m 2013}, author = {Thi Quyen Ha and Thi Thu Ha and Thuy Duong Bui and Van Quyen Dong}, year = {2015}, pages = {1621--1626}, url = {https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/1822/} }