@inproceedings{SisLab2983, booktitle = {H?i th{\h a}o Qu?c gia l?n th? XV M?t s? v?n {\dj}? ch{\d o}n l{\d o}c c{\h u}a C{\^o}ng ngh? th{\^o}ng tin v{\`a} Truy?n th{\^o}ng}, month = {December}, title = {Capacity Evaluation of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks}, author = {Dinh Viet Nguyen and Minh Khoi Le and Thi Thuy Le and Thi Bac Do and The Cong Nguyen}, year = {2012}, pages = {52--59}, url = {https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/2983/}, abstract = {One of the main limitations of Ad hoc networks is limited capacity; This is mainly due to interference which limits the spatial reuse of wireless channels. It acts as a problem to the deployment of Ad hoc networks. Evaluation of the Capacity of Ad hoc networks is difficult because of the complexity of routing and MAC protocols, etc. Until now, many methods for Ad hoc network capacity evaluation have been developed. However, most of them have flaws, since some simplification assumptions must be made to make capacity evaluation problem tractable. This paper introduces some approximation algorithms to evaluate the capacity of Ad hoc Network, and presents our capacity evaluation results obtained by simulating ad hoc network in various scenarios with the use of NS-2 network simulator.} }