@inproceedings{SisLab2991, booktitle = {H?i th{\h a}o Qu?c gia l?n th? VII, M?t s? v?n {\dj}? ch{\d o}n l{\d o}c c{\h u}a C{\^o}ng ngh? Th{\^o}ng tin v{\`a} Truy?n th{\^o}ng}, title = {PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF RECENT DEVELOPMENT IN TRANSPORT PROTOCOL FOR HIGH BANDWIDTH-DELAY NETWORKS}, author = {Manh Ha Nguyen and Dinh Viet Nguyen}, year = {2005}, pages = {499--508}, url = {https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/2991/}, abstract = {The development of gigabit and satellite networking is driving TCP congestion control outside of its natural operating regime. The reason is that AIMD algorithm [2] provides poor utilization of the bottleneck link and long RTT flows are often unable to get a fair allocation of bottleneck bandwidth [3] in those kinds of network. Therefore, this topic is immediately becoming one of universal interests in network performance research community. However, it is difficult to estimate the demand and supply of network resources in dynamic network environment. Although many approaches are used, feedback-based scheme [1], [4] is still the most favorite and prospective one. Some implementations of this approach have been carried out but the detail performance comparison has not been known. This report discusses some advanced approaches and figures out the both advantages and disadvantages of each one; especially BIC-TCP, a new approach based on binary increase congestion control mechanism aimed to solve the TCP friendliness and bandwidth scalability problems. Finally, we inform a number of performance evaluations and parameters which will, in turn, be analyzed after in order to get a better result in various network environments based on ns-2 network simulator.} }