%A Thanh Xuyen Le %A Trung Thanh Le %A Linh Trung Nguyen %A Thi Thuy Quynh Tran %A Duc Thuan Nguyen %T EEG Source Localization: A New Multiway Temporal - Spatial Spectral Analysis %X Accurate localization of epileptogenic zone is highly meaningful for epilepsy diagnosis and treatment in general and removal of the epileptogenic region in epilepsy surgery in particular. In this paper, we present a robust method for electroencephalography (EEG) source localization based on a new multiway temporal–spatial–spectral (TSS) analysis for epileptic spikes via graph signal processing and multiway blind source separation. Instead of using the temporal behavior of the EEG distributed sources, we first apply the graph wavelet transform to the spatial variable for epilepsy tensor construction in order to exploit latent information of the spatial domain. We then apply the tensorial multiway blind source separation method for estimating the sources and hence localizing them. Numerical experiments on both synthetic and real data are carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the TSS analysis and to compare it with two state-of-the-art types of analysis: space–time–frequency (STF) and space–time–wave–vector (STWV). Experimental results show that the proposed method is promising for epileptic source estimation and localization. %C Hanoi - Vietnam %D 2019 %L SisLab3834