%0 Journal Article %@ 2193-6471 %A Ha, Thi Quyen %A Chu, Thi Thu Ha %D 2020 %F SisLab:4126 %I Technische Universitat Dresden %J Journal of Vietnammese Environment %N 2 %P 162-168 %T Selection of nitrogen fixation and phosphate solubilizing bacteria from cultivating soil samples of Hung Yen province in Vietnam %U https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/4126/ %V 12 %X The nitrogen fixing bacteria (NFB) and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are used widely for producing of microbiological fertilizers. This study aims to seek nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria strains to add to the collection of candidate strains for producing single and multi-function microbiological fertilizers. From 40 soil samples of 8 fields for cultivating rice, medicinal plants and vegetables, 15 NFB strains and 12 PSB strains were isolated and determined the ability of fixing nitrogen and solubilizing inorganic phosphate compound through creation of NH4+ and PO4- in culture medium. Among 15 NFB strains, the fixing nitrogen activities of 7 strains were much higher than the remaining strains, including NFBR3, NFBV2, NFBM5, NFBM3, NFBM1, NFBV5 and NFBR2 with NH4+ concentration 18.85 mg/l, 18.41 mg/l, 17.32 mg/l, 16.19 mg/l, 15.49 mg/l, 12.83 mg/l and 12.57 mg/l, respectively Among 12 PSB strains, The ability of solubilizing phosphate of 5 strains were higher than the others, including PSBM2, PSBR1, PSBV1, PSBR5 and PSBR3 with PO4- concentration 14.49 mg/l, 11.83 mg/l, 11.33 mg/l, 10.65 mg/l, 10.37 mg/l, respectively.. 3 NFB strains (NFBR3, NFBV2, NFBM5) and 3 PSB strains (PSBM2, PSBR1, PSBV1) with higher activity were identified by 16S-rDNA sequence analysis and comparing to some homologous sequences in genbank. The results showed that NFBR3 was identified as Azotobacter vinelandii, NFBV2 as Azopirillum brasilense, NFBM5 as Azotobacter chroococum, PSBM2 and PSBV1 as Pseudomonas fluorescens and PSBR1 as Bacillus subtilis.