@article{SisLab4246, title = {Short time cardio-vascular pulses estimation for dengue fever screening via continuous-wave Doppler radar using empirical mode decomposition and continuous wavelet transform}, author = {Dinh Chinh Nguyen and Manh Ha Luu and Sun Guanghao and Quoc Anh Le and Thi Viet Huong Pham and Anh Vu Tran and Trong Hieu Tran and Duc Tan Tran and Vu Trung Nguyen and Ishibashi Koichiro and Linh Trung Nguyen}, publisher = {ELSEVIER}, year = {2020}, journal = {Biomedical Signal Processing and Control}, url = {https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/4246/} }