@inproceedings{SisLab4494, booktitle = {H?i ngh{\d i} C? h{\d o}c Th{\h u}y kh{\'i} to{\`a}n qu?c 2020}, title = {M{\^o} ph{\h o}ng d{\`o}ng x{\^a}m th?c h?i v{\`a} x{\^a}m th?c kh{\'i} b?ng ph??ng ph{\'a}p m{\^o} h{\`i}nh {\dj}?ng nh?t cho d{\`o}ng kh{\^o}ng nh?t}, author = {Ngoc Linh Le and Dai Viet Tran and Van Duc Nguyen and Anh Dinh Le}, year = {2020}, url = {https://eprints.uet.vnu.edu.vn/eprints/id/eprint/4494/} }