VNU-UET Repository

Geomagnetic Sensors based on Metglas/PZT Laminates

Giang, D.T.H. and Duc, P.A. and Ngoc, N.T. and Duc, N.H. (2012) Geomagnetic Sensors based on Metglas/PZT Laminates. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 179 . 78 - 82. ISSN 0924-4247

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A potential geomagnetic-field sensor is proposed on the basis of an optimal 2D configuration of magnetoelectric Ni-based Metglas/PZT laminates. This sensor can perfectly serve to measure both the strength and the orientation of the earth's magnetic field. An incredibly high ME-voltage response of 0.871 V/Oe to the geomagnetic field with a resolution of 3 × 10−4 Oe has been achieved for composite laminates with a size of 15 mm × 1 mm. With respect to the field inclination, an angular sensitivity of 3.86 × 10−3 V/degree and an angular resolution of 10−1 degree have been determined. This simple and low-cost magnetic-field sensor is promising for applications not only as novel smart compasses and in global positioning devices, but also as magnetic biosensors.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Multiferroics
Subjects: ?? Nano ??
Divisions: Faculty of Engineering Physics and Nanotechnology (FEPN)
Key Laboratory for Nanotechnology (Nano Lab)
Depositing User: Prof. Xuan-Tu Tran
Date Deposited: 14 Jan 2013 04:42
Last Modified: 01 Apr 2013 06:55

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