Vu, Thi Dao and Pham, Ngoc Hung and Nguyen, Viet Ha
A Method for Automated Test Cases Generation from UML Models with String Constraints.
In: The 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 2016, Japan.
(In Press)
This paper proposes an automated test cases generation method from sequence diagrams and class diagrams with string constraints. The method supports UML 2.0 sequence diagrams including twelve combined fragments. An algorithm for generating test scenarios are developed to avoid test paths explosion without having data sharing points of threads in parallel fragments or weak sequencing fragments. Test data are also generated with solving constraints of string variables. We standardize string constraints and equations at the boundary of variables that are input formula of Z3-str solver. Comparing with the current approach of the solver, some preprocessing rules are extended for other operations such as charAt, lastindexOf, trim, startsWith and endsWith. If a result of the Z3-str is SAT, test data of each test scenario are generated to satisfy the constraints with boundary coverage. A tool is implemented to support the proposed method, and some experiments are also presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the tool.
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A Method for Automated Test Cases Generation from UML Models with String Constraints. (deposited 16 Dec 2016 08:10)
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